Aesthetic… Thursday?

June 29, 2012 § 4 Comments

I’ll admit, I didn’t post an Aesthetic Thursday post on Thursday on purpose. I thought about it several times throughout the day and just wasn’t in the mood. It’s probably because my mind and heart have been elsewhere. I live in Colorado Springs, so as many of you can imagine, the fire has had a pretty close impact on my life. Thankfully, the closest the fire has come to our home was when it was 6 miles away- but so many people have lost their homes, so many have been evacuated from their homes, and so many fire fighters are working hard every day to save this beautiful city and our beautiful state. Makes me a bit more grateful for the beautiful mountains that surround us, lush and alive in their beauty- untouched by the destructiveness of fire.

Today I want to share a home decor challenge of mine that’s been making me think a lot lately. My kitchen. See, I have a crush on retro. And while this crush is pretty overwhelming at times, I’ve decided to keep my distance in a very non-committal relationship. So I turn to what I know I want in a kitchen, and it’s the colors: red, black, and white.

See that floor? I love that black and white tiled floor! Love it so much that I could see it as a backsplash- but here’s when I get carried away and start making no decorating sense whatsoever. Photoshop tells me a tiled backsplash like that might not be such a good idea. Getting too close to retro.

Black, red, and white kitchen via Houzz

Oh, the elegance. As much as I love black cabinets, I feel like I could never pull it off. I have the fear of completing the cabinets, then feeling like I’m in a dungeon, a dungeon that cannot be undone.

Gray cabinets

Someday I’ll figure it all out; but for now, let’s all just take a moment to ponder over the loveliness of a well done black, white, and red kitchen. Ah… *a moment*

Aesthetic Thursday

June 14, 2012 § 1 Comment

My priority in decorating right now is our bedroom. As the most neglected and thrown-together, hodge-podge room of the house, it’s starting to drive me crazy. It’s the room we never go in, except after 10:30 at night, and it’s conveniently stuck upstairs away from company, which is the perfect excuse for me to put it dead last on my cleaning list. I want our bedroom to be our sanctuary, a place where I don’t mind settling down to read a book in.

When we got married, we registered for a beautiful persimmon colored bedspread- and we got it! And it truly is lovely, but honestly it’s the only thing lovely in our bedroom right now. It’s sparked my imagination, though, and now I’m hooked on a certain color scheme for it (that and thanks to my friend, Kate). I’ll eventually make a palette out of it, but right now I’m just trying to decide on what I like, and what I don’t. I feel as though I’ll be treading on thin ice between making this look great, or making this look “squint your eyes” terrible.

This is a tad bit more blue than what I’m thinking.

Mint and Orange

Soft and soothing to the eye. Perfect for evoking sleepiness.

Mint and Orange nails

Yes, these nails inspire room design. Leave me alone. 

With that, I leave while wishing there was more time in my day to think up so many more bedroom ideas.

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